Wissenschaftliche Literatur Student
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Marko Ferjan, Iztok Podbregar, Polona Šprajc, Petra Robnik, Eva Jereb
Athletes Friendly Education
Schriften zur Sportwissenschaft
The book „Athlete friendly education“ addresses the topics of athlete education. At the end of a sports career, athletes are forced to start a new career. For this, they must acquire an appropriate education during their sports career. Empirical research presented in the book shows that athletes are no less committed to education than other high school or university students. Furthermore, the curriculum and school adjustments, in general, are of great help to…
AthletesBildungBildungseinrichtungenCareerE-LearningEducationEducation institutionsErziehungswissenschaftEvaluationKarriereSportlerSportsSportwissenschaftAleksandra Burgiel / Troy B. Wiwczaroski (eds.)
Global Leadership and Leadership Development
Betriebliche Personalentwicklung und Weiterbildung in Forschung und Praxis
This book has been developed as part of a broader project: ERASMUS+ KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education project No. 2017-1-HU01-KA203-035918, known as PROMINENCE (Promoting mindful encounters through intercultural competence and experience). Four partner universities were involved in the research and writing of this book: Debrecen University in Debrecen, Hungary, the coordinating partner; the University of Economics in Katowice,…
FührungGlobale DenkweiseInterkulturelle KommunikationInterkulturelles TrainingLeadershipLeadership DevelopmentManagementRhetorikSoft SkillsUnternehmensführungRobert Celec (Ed.)
Education and Society in Transition
Addressing the Challenges of Youth and Technology
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The monograph presents a collection of studies that examine different educational methods and their effects at different levels of education, from high schools to higher education institutions. Topics range from the implementation of coordination chemistry in high school curricula, emphasising the connection to the real world, to dealing with the digital divide between teachers and students.
The research highlights innovative teaching approaches such as the…
AusbildungBehandlungDigitalisierungGesundheitKarrierezieleMobilitätPhysische AktivitätJian Xu
Chinese University Students’ Test-taking Motivation, Metacognitive Awareness, and Test Performance in EFL Listening
LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis
This book builds on the expectancy-value of test taking motivation framework, going beyond merely ascertaining whether test taking motivation-related variables have direct effects on listening test performance as measured by listening test score in College English Band 4 (CET-4) listening testing context in China. Rather, what is of great interest is to determine how such effects, both directly and indirectly, come to be, and to describe the mechanism through which test…
Angewandte LinguistikApplied linguisticsEducationEnglish as a foreign language EFLFremdsprachenunterrichtHörverstehenL2 listening comprehensionListening influencing factorsListening metacognitionListening test performanceMetakognitionMixed MethodMixed method approachMotivationPrüfungsleistungTest-taking motivationDarjo Felda / Mara Cotič / Boris Černilec / Amalija Žakelj / Milena Valenčič Zuljan
Effectiveness of the Learning Environment
Findings of Monitoring Mathematics Lessons
As mathematics classes should encourage different ways of thinking, creativity, formal knowledge and skills, and enable students to know the useful and meaningful side of mathematics, it is necessary that the organization of classes contributes to a high student achievement. The high quality classes are focused as a combination of teaching and learning to reach an effective learning environment which requires the students to persevere and work hard and represents a…
Heterogene GruppenHomogene GruppenLearning EnvironmentLehrermotivationLernumgebungMathematikunterrichtPädagogikUnterrichtsorganisationUnterrichtsüberwachungRalph P. Crimmann
Freiheit – Martin Luther, Karl Barth, Karl Ludwig Sand und „Erlangen 1968“
Studien zur Geistesgeschichte der Neuzeit
Die drei Vorlesungen zu Martin Luther zeigen den Reformator in seiner ganzen Problematik auf: Bauernkrieg, Verfolgung des linken Flügels der Reformation, Abwertung der guten Werke, Bestreitung des freien Willens und anderes wird thematisiert und im Lichte der befreienden Theologie des Reformators beleuchtet.
Die Vorlesung über Karl Barth behandelt Barths Antwort auf das Freiheitsproblem der Neuzeit und geht auf Barths Beziehung zur Philosophie ein.…
1968er-BewegungAugust von KotzebueErlangen 1968–1978GeistesgeschichteGoetheKarl BarthKarl Ludwig SandKirchengeschichteMartin LutherReformationsgeschichteTheologieTheologiegeschichteWartburgfest 1817Milena Valenčič-Zuljan / Mara Cotič / Darjo Felda / Zlatan Magajna / Amalija Žakelj
The Efficiency of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Grouping of Students in Mathematics
Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis
The questions of grouping students have always been present in the history of education with diverse intentions and according to different criteria. The researchers of education as well as teachers and pedagogues have tried to find out when the grouping should start and what the objective of grouping is, how it should be performed, and if students should be grouped into heterogeneous groups regarding their abilities or should they stay in homogeneous group. Furthermore,…
Achievements in MathematicsDidacticsDifferentiationHeterogeneous GroupsHomogeneous GroupsIndividualizationMathematicsMathematics TeachingNational Assessment of KnowledgePedagogyPrimary SchoolSelf-ConceptSloveniaTeacher´s ExpectationAndreas Raffeiner (Hrsg.)
Aspekte der Vorarlberger Landesgeschichte
Festschrift für Franz Mathis zum 75. Geburtstag
Geschichtswissenschaftliche Studien
Der Herausgeber dieser Festschrift zu Ehren von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Mathis ist sich bewusst, dass dieses landesgeschichtliche Buch keine gewöhnliche Festgabe ist. Wer den Innsbrucker Wirtschafts- und Sozialhistoriker und gebürtigen Hohenemser kennt, weiß, dass er sich mit vielen Thematiken beschäftigt hat.
Dieses Werk soll einen Sammelband darstellen, der diese Forschungsgegenstände, aber auch andere Inhalte mit Vorarlbergbezug aufweist. So gesehen kann man…
Alte GeschichteFranz MathisGeschichte der NeuzeitGeschichtswissenschaftHohenemsInnsbruckMittelalterliche GeschichteÖsterreichSozialgeschichteUniversitätVorarlbergWirtschaftsgeschichteZeitgeschichteČrtomir Matejek / Samo Fošnarič / Jurij Planinšec / Robert Repnik
Some Aspects of Health in the Educational Process
Water, Ergonomy and Physical Activity as Important Factors of Students’ Health
Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis
In this scientific monograph, the authors examined the selected aspects of children’s health in depth by review of all important literature and by presenting original data. This issue is closely linked to the health of the entire population. The particular value of this monograph lies in the diversity of the research areas – the authors have prepared an interesting synthesis of their findings in a new applicative dimension. Despite the fact that the monograph is written…
ChildrenCurriculaErgonomieErgonomyErziehungswissenschaftGesundheitHealthKinderLärmLehrpläneNoisePedagogySocio-economic statusSozioökonomischer StatusSporting activitySportliche AktivitätDarjo Felda, Jurka Lepicnik Vodopivec, Mirjam Bon Klanjšcek
Teaching Statistics and Statistical Literacy
Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis
In real-world environments we are faced with large amounts of information that is found in newspapers, in magazines, on television, on the Internet, and elsewhere, and that is often presented in the form of tables or graphs. Today statistical data are, unfortunately, quite often abused, mainly because of lack of knowledge in statistics, as we cannot read statistical data appropriately and critically evaluate them. Nowadays knowledge of statistics is becoming a functional…
DidacticsMathmatics ClasseProblem SituationRealistic ContextStatistical EducationStatistical KnowledgeStatistical LiteracyStatistical Thinking