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Wissenschaftliche Literatur Strategy

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The Influence of Transnational Strategies on Global Production Networks (Dissertation)Zum Shop

The Influence of Transnational Strategies on Global Production Networks

Conceptual Background and Selected Theoretical and Empirical Aspects

Strategisches Management

In this book the strategic alignment of multinational manufacturing companies is investigated, incorporating research streams from operations, strategic and international management. Grounding on the paradigms of the transnational strategy, the author analyzes the configuration and coordination of global manufacturing systems on a strategic level. In a first step, this book gives a structured overview of configuration possibilities for global production networks,…

ConfigurationCoordinationGlobale ProduktionGlobal OperationsKonfigurationKoordinationOperations ManagementProduction NetworksProduktionsnetzwerkeStrategic ManagementStrategisches Management
Balance Measurement Methods in Data Envelopment Analysis (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Balance Measurement Methods in Data Envelopment Analysis

Concept, Models and Applications

QM – Quantitative Methoden in Forschung und Praxis

Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a benchmarking tool that evaluates the relative efficiency by comparing peer decision making units (DMUs) which transform varying quantities of the same set of inputs into varying amounts of the same set of outputs. The efficiency score is defined as the ratio of the weighted sum of outputs to the weighted sum of inputs. Input and output weights are not a priori specified but determined model endogenously. Consequently each DMU is free…

Balance measurementBalance scoreBenchmarkingData Envelopment AnalysisEffectiveness measurementEfficiency measurementKey performance indicatorsMulti-criteria decision makingPerformance measurementProductivity measurement
Information Systems within Merging Organizations (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Information Systems within Merging Organizations

Studien zur Wirtschaftsinformatik

Due to the heavily reliance of today’s organizations on their IT-based Information Systems, the integration of the Information Systems (IS) plays a crucial role in the context of Mergers & Acquisitions (M&As).

This study analyzes the role of Information Systems across all stages of the M&A process. The results of an empirical research of recent M&As are used to develop a M&A IT integration method incl. a corresponding decision model. This…

InformatikInformation systems in M&AsIT integration strategyM&AMergers & AcquisitionsPost Merger IT IntegrationSemantic TechnologiesService Oriented ArchitecturesSOA
The Strategy of Preemption in U.S. Foreign Policy (Magisterarbeit)Zum Shop

The Strategy of Preemption in U.S. Foreign Policy

When and why the U.S. Military Targets a Nation‘s Weapons of Mass Destruction Program

Regensburger Studien zur Internationalen Politik

The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), international terrorism, and their nexus are widely regarded as the gravest threats to peace and stability in the 21st century. To counter these threats, the Bush Administration formulated the National Security Strategy 2002, announcing that the U.S. „will, if necessary, act preemptively? to forestall the proliferation of WMD and their acquisition by terrorists. Its declaration and, subsequent, application against…

Cold WarCounterproliferationForeign policyGegenproliferationIranMassenvernichtungswaffenPolitikwissenschaftPräemptionPräventivschlagProliferationUS-Außenpolitik
Equity Markets and the Real Economy (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Equity Markets and the Real Economy


The author analyzes the influence of investors’ macroeconomic expectations on the U.S. equity market by focusing on three central issues: First, “Do investors’ equity risk premia expectations depend on overall business conditions? Hereby, the importance of economic conditions for doubtlessly one of the most essential value drivers of stock markets is tackled. The knowledge of how strong the real economic situation influences equity risk premia expectations and thus the…

Asset PricingBusiness CycleEquity RiskInformation ProcessingLeading Economic IndexMacroeconomic AnnouncementsRechnungswesenStock Market Efficiency
Studien zur römischen Ostpolitik im Principat (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Studien zur römischen Ostpolitik im Principat

Studien zur Geschichtsforschung des Altertums

Das Verhältnis Roms zum Partherreich stellt in der Geschichte der römischen Außenpolitik in der Zeit der Republik und des Principats eine Besonderheit dar. Am Euphrat standen sich zwei „Supermächte“ der antiken Welt gegenüber. Mit dem Partherreich besaß Rom einen Nachbarn, der in seiner machtpolitischen Größe, seiner staatlichen Verfasstheit und in seiner politischen Kontinuität mit keinem der Stämme oder Völker an den übrigen Reichsgrenzen vergleichbar war.…

AltertumAntikeGeschichtsforschungGeschichtswissenschaftGrand StrategyImperium sine fineKlientelstaatenPartherkriegePrincipatRömische AußenpolitikRömische Republik
Financial Engineering and Structuring in Leveraged Buyouts (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Financial Engineering and Structuring in Leveraged Buyouts


In a Leveraged Buyout, a Private Equity investor finances the purchase price of a company to a substantial fraction with debt in addition to the equity contribution out of his fund and from the participating management. The rationale for this financing structure is the substitution of equity, as an expensive source of capital, with comparably cheap debt in order to increase the expected returns on the individual equity investment and, thus, the returns of the whole fund.…

Financial EngineeringFremdkapitalfinanzierungFusionHeuschreckenInstitutionelle InvestorenInvestorenKapitalismusLeveraged BuyoutsM&AMergers & AcquisitionsPrivate EquityÜbernahmeValue Creation
Attac – ein Beispiel für die Globalisierung Sozialer Bewegungen? (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Attac – ein Beispiel für die Globalisierung Sozialer Bewegungen?

Regensburger Studien zur Internationalen Politik

Schnell stieg die 1998 in Frankreich gegründete Organisation Attac zu einem medialen Shooting Star auf. Sie wurde zum bedeutendsten Vertreter und Sprachrohr der globalisierungskritischen Bewegung. Über Jahre hinweg führte der kollektive Akteur Aufsehen erregende Protestveranstaltungen durch, erfreute sich großer Resonanz in der Öffentlichkeit sowie bei politischen Entscheidungsträgern, verzeichnete hohe Mitgliederzuwächse und fasste in zahlreichen Ländern Fuß. Die…

AttacBernard CassenBewegungsforschungBewegungsorganisationDemonstrationGlobalisierungGlobalisierungspolitikKollektiver AkteurNGONGOsPeter WahlPolitikwissenschaftPolitologieSabine LeidigSoziale BewegungSoziologieSven Giegold
A Bicultural Management Model for Internationalising SMEs (Dissertation)Zum Shop

A Bicultural Management Model for Internationalising SMEs

Using the Example of 2nd Generation Spanish Specialists in Germany

Strategisches Management

Objective of this book is to demonstrate a new strategic approach; the use of 2nd generation bicultural experts as competitive advantage for internationalising SMEs. The approach described in this book is, on one hand, based on the example of 2nd generation Spanish experts in Germany and on the other hand, concentrates on the example of Spanish small and medium sized enterprises, which want to expand their businesses into the German markets. [...]

2nd generation migrantsBetriebswirtschaftslehreBicultural expertsBiculturalismIntercultural CompetenceInternational businessInternationales ManagementInternationalisation strategyInternationalisierungStrategisches Management
Strengthening Innovation Systems (Handbuch)Zum Shop

Strengthening Innovation Systems

Foundation, Concept and Strategic Approach

Wirtschaftspolitik in Forschung und Praxis

Strengthening innovation systems is of prime importance for sustained competitiveness of countries and regions in an increasingly knowledge-based global economy.

This does not only apply to industrialised countries, but holds true for emerging economies and developing countries as well. This manual provides policy makers, policy shapers and implementing agencies with guidance for the systematic analysis of deficiencies and synergy potentials within the…

Development StrategiesEntrepreneurshipInnovationInnovation ManagementInnovation MarketingInnovation SystemInnovativenessInternational Development CooperationKnowledge and Technology TransferKnowledge Based EconomyKooperationNetworks and CooperationNetzwerkeScienceTechnologieTechnologietransferTechnology and Innovation PolicyTechnology TransferVolkswirtschaftslehreWissensbasierte WirtschaftWissenschaft