8 Bücher 

Wissenschaftliche Literatur Strategic Management

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Strategic Decision-Making (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Strategic Decision-Making

Top Management Team’s Dominant Logic and the Inherent Threat of Strategic Inertia

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

Why do companies — especially the most established ones — consistently struggle to meet changing market and technical conditions? Organizational researchers and particularly those focusing on strategicmanagement have long been interested in identifying factors that lead companies to success or failure. Outside observers are continuously surprised when well-established companies suddenly falter or collapse (take for example market leaders such as Kodak or Nokia). In…

Behavioral StrategyDecision-MakingDiversificationDominant LogicGroupthinkManagerial CognitionMental ModelsRelatednessStrategic InertiaStrategic ManagementStrategisches Management
Establishing Strategic Fit in the Positioning of Logistics Service Providers (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Establishing Strategic Fit in the Positioning of Logistics Service Providers

An Evaluation of Repositioning Potentials with a Special Focus on Technologies

Logistik-Management in Forschung und Praxis

Logistikdienstleister müssen sich ständig wechselnden Marktgegebenheiten (z.B. sich ändernde Kundenwünsche, neue Regularien, Marktverdrängung) anpassen. Gleichzeitig ergeben sich jedoch auch Chancen, welche z.B. aus technologischem Fortschritt oder neuen Marktpotentialen resultieren. Die Untersuchung konnte zeigen, dass Logistikdienstleister die sich neu ergebenden Möglichkeiten nicht immer erfolgreich nutzen können. Ein Grund hierfür könnte sein, dass Ihre Positionierung…

Competitive AdvantageLogisticsLogistics ManagementLogistik-ManagementReccourcentheorieResource-based viewStrategic ManagementStrategic PositioningStrategische PositionierungStrategisches ManagementTechnologiemanagementTechnology ManagementWettbewerbsvorteil
Strategisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Strategisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

Empirische Untersuchung der Konfiguration von Nachhaltigkeitsbestrebungen und ihrer Determinanten in deutschen Unternehmen

Nachhaltigkeits-Management – Studien zur nachhaltigen Unternehmensführung

Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit gewinnt in Politik und Gesellschaft stetig an Bedeutung. Davor können sich auch Unternehmen nicht verschließen und müssen ihren Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung leisten, um ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu erhalten. Dazu ist eine systematische Vorgehensweise in Form eines strategischen Managements von Nachhaltigkeit unverzichtbar. Das Buch bietet einen Überblick über die gegenwärtige Konfiguration des strategischen…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreCorporate Social ResponsibilityCSRDeutsche UnternehmenExperteninterviewsFamilienunternehmenFeldstudieIndustrieunternehmenMittelstandNachhaltigkeitNachhaltigkeitsbestrebungenStrategic ManagementStrategisches ManagementStrategisches NachhaltigkeitsmanagementUnternehmerische Nachhaltigkeit
Patent Management in Knowledge-Intensive Firms (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Patent Management in Knowledge-Intensive Firms

Theoretical Concept and Empirical Analyses

Strategisches Management

In light of a growing interest in patent management in research, policy, and practice, this study offers scholars a detailed definition and categorization of patent management at the process level. Utilizing rich qualitative and quantitative empirical data, the author analyzes how professional patent management activities influence innovation and licensing performance under specific internal and external conditions. Moreover, he identifies important strategic and…

ElectronicInnovation ManagementIntellectual PropertyKnowledge-Intensive FirmsPatentStrategic ManagementStrategyTelecommunication
The Influence of Transnational Strategies on Global Production Networks (Dissertation)Zum Shop

The Influence of Transnational Strategies on Global Production Networks

Conceptual Background and Selected Theoretical and Empirical Aspects

Strategisches Management

In this book the strategic alignment of multinational manufacturing companies is investigated, incorporating research streams from operations, strategic and international management. Grounding on the paradigms of the transnational strategy, the author analyzes the configuration and coordination of global manufacturing systems on a strategic level. In a first step, this book gives a structured overview of configuration possibilities for global production networks,…

ConfigurationCoordinationGlobale ProduktionGlobal OperationsKonfigurationKoordinationOperations ManagementProduction NetworksProduktionsnetzwerkeStrategic ManagementStrategisches Management
Location and Strategy – Analyzing the Effect of the Local Environment on a Portfolio of Strategy-Performance-Relationships of Bavarian Key-Tech SMEs (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Location and Strategy – Analyzing the Effect of the Local Environment on a Portfolio of Strategy-Performance-Relationships of Bavarian Key-Tech SMEs

Strategisches Management

„Economic activity is distributed unequally across space [...]“ (Ketels, 2013). This insight is not new. It dates back at least to the nineteenth century, when Alfred Marshalls Principles of Economics (1890) offered a first-of-its-kind analysis of the agglomeration of people and economic activity in geographic space.

Paradoxically, the agglomeration of people and economic activity has continued to be one of the most important phenomena throughout the twentieth…

AgglomerationBetriebswirtschaftContingencyEconomic GeographyKey-TechLocationSMEStrategic ManagementStrategy
Open Source Development and Company-Community Collaboration (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Open Source Development and Company-Community Collaboration

Impact Factors on the Process of Entering the Open Source Market

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

This book analyzes impact factors on the process of entering the open source market. For this purpose, the author investigates antecedents of business model choice, search parameters for the selection of a suitable partner community and macro-organizational trends.

Since the early days of the “free software? movement and the “open source? movement millions of developers have created hundreds of thousands of software projects, which are now used widely by even…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreCommunity GovernanceCompany-Community CollaborationErwartungsmanagementGeschäftsmodelleGeschäftsmodellwahlGlobale TrendsNetzwerkbildungOpen Source EntwicklungOpen Source SoftwareStrategisches Management
Inside the Mind of Decision Makers (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Inside the Mind of Decision Makers

Antecedents and Consequences of Managers‘ Mental Models

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

Managers apply simplified representations of reality to make sense of their complex environment. These so called mental models influence decision-making and performance in organizations. In this study, the author discusses the theoretical foundations of mental models. Furthermore, a literature review of antecedents and consequences of individual managers’ mental models is provided. The literature review and the findings of three empirical studies shed light on the…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreDecision-MakingDecision MakerMarketingMental ModelsRepertory Grid TechniqueSales ForceStrategic Decision MakingStrategic Management