13 Bücher 

Wissenschaftliche Literatur Statistics

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Teaching Statistics and Statistical Literacy (Forschungsarbeit)

Teaching Statistics and Statistical Literacy

Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis

In real-world environments we are faced with large amounts of information that is found in newspapers, in magazines, on television, on the Internet, and elsewhere, and that is often presented in the form of tables or graphs. Today statistical data are, unfortunately, quite often abused, mainly because of lack of knowledge in statistics, as we cannot read statistical data appropriately and critically evaluate them. Nowadays knowledge of statistics is becoming a functional…

DidacticsMathmatics ClasseProblem SituationRealistic ContextStatistical EducationStatistical KnowledgeStatistical LiteracyStatistical Thinking
Statistical Literacy Among Secondary School Students (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Statistical Literacy Among Secondary School Students

Achieving a Higher Level of Statistical Literacy

Studien zur Schulpädagogik

The statistical education should be in step with modern didactic trends, which recommend the use of statistics in relation to everyday life and thus develop and improve statistical literacy. But as statistics is made part of mathematics instruction, solving statistical problems tends to be dominated by mathematical thinking, emphasizing mathematical models, methods and procedures, with the techniques being more important than the statistical problem itself. There is not…

Critical interpretationDidacticsDidaktikErziehungswissenschaftKritische InterpretationMathematicsMathematics classesMathematikReal-life situationRealistic contextSecondary schoolStatistical educationStatistical literacyStatistical thinkingStatisticsStatistikStatistikunterrichtStatistisches DenkenWeiterführende Schule
The four dimensions of Upper Lusatia in the Early and High Middle Ages: A cultural-geographical study of the historical landscape (Habilitationsschrift)Zum Shop

The four dimensions of Upper Lusatia in the Early and High Middle Ages:
A cultural-geographical study of the historical landscape

Based on a GIS-Simulation of landscape reconstruction

Studien zur Geschichtsforschung des Mittelalters

Die Oberlausitz, die heutige Grenzregion zwischen Deutschland, Polen, und Tschechien bietet ein interessantes Beispiel für eine GIS-basierte kulturelle und landschaftliche Rekonstruktion seiner multiethnischen Gesellschaft die durch mehr als 1000 Jahre Geschichte verfolgen sein kann. Diese Rekonstruktion der frühmittelalterlichen und hochmittelalterlichen Landschaft konzentriert sich auf die Herausarbeitung der vielfältigen Beziehungen zwischen Bautzen/Budyšin und den…

ArchäologieArcheologyBishopricsBistümerBorder ActBurgwälleDeutsch-Polnische KriegeEarly Medieval HistoryFrühmittelalterliche GeschichteGeographische InformationssystemeGerman-Polish WarsGrenzurkundeKulturlandschaftsforschungLandscape ReconstructionLandschaftsrekonstruktionOberlausitzOrtsnamensforschungPlace-Names ResearchRaumstatistikSiedlungsarchäologieSorbian-German SettlementsSorbisch-Deutsche SiedlungenSpatial StatisticsStrongholdsUpper Lusatia
nur eBook
The UCC’s “perfect tender rule” and cancellation of contracts in the CISG (Forschungsarbeit)

The UCC’s “perfect tender rule” and cancellation of contracts in the CISG

Studien zum Internationalen Privat- und Zivilprozessrecht sowie zum UN-Kaufrecht

The importance of international trade has increased immensely within the last decades and will not decrease in the future. With developing markets around the world, such as those of the European Union, Asia or Latin America, new trade opportunities are emerging. This development is not least due to the new technologies available to us, which present us lawyers with ever new challenges, which arise for us from the fact that the markets and the technologies develop faster…

AufhebungBrexitCISGGlobalisierungHandelsrechtInternationales KaufrechtInternationales RechtKaufrechtPerfect Tender RuleRechtswissenschaftenUCCUniform Commercial CodeUSAVereinte NationenVertragVertragsaufhebungWarenhandelWarenhandelsrechtWirtschaftsrecht
Quantitative Film Studies (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Quantitative Film Studies

Regularities and Interrelations Exemplified by Shot Lengths in Soviet Feature Films

Schriften zur Medienwissenschaft

In statistical film analysis it is a common observation that shot length frequencies are not distributed haphazardly, but according to a particular pattern. Taking this as a starting point, the monograph focuses on two main questions. The first one is: Are shot lengths in Soviet feature films distributed regularly, and can these distributions be interpreted within a larger theoretical framework? The second question is: Is shot length an isolated entity in film or is it…

ComedyDramaFilm studiesFilmwissenschaftGeorge Kingsley ZipfKomödieMedia studiesMedienwissenschaftMotion picturesPaul MenzerathPhilosophy of scienceSlawistikSoviet UnionSowjetunionSpielfilmStatisticsStatistikWissenschaftstheorie
Health Care Through Various Aspects of Social Action (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Health Care Through Various Aspects of Social Action

EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung

The monograph entitled “Health care through various aspects of social action” touches on research findings that find a common ground in the studies that are protecting our health. Initially, it gives insight into the results of a study that analyses the health and problems of students related to distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, when most universities were forced to switch to online distance learning.

In the following chapter, it presents the…

AgrarwirtschaftClimate ChangeEducationErnährungErziehungswissenschaftFoodFood WasteGesundheitHealthHealthcareKlimawandelLebensmittelverschwendungPollutionSportSportsWell-BeingWohlbefinden
Causal Inference in Empirical Applications Using Individual- and Aggregate-Level Data (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Causal Inference in Empirical Applications Using Individual- and Aggregate-Level Data

Schriftenreihe volkswirtschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse

This thesis is structured in two main parts that contain our analyses using individualand aggregate-level data.

Our first part introduces a new dataset on the individual level, which we use to investigate economic questions in the fields of labor economics and economics of education. More specifically, it provides detailed information about graduates from a mid-size German university (Saarland University) and their respective careers. [...]

Aggregate-Level DataCausal InterferenceEconomicsEconomics of EducationIndividual-Level DataProgram EvaluationStatisticsVolkswirtschaftslehre
The Contribution of Foundations to an Ecofriendly and Sustainable Development (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

The Contribution of Foundations to an Ecofriendly and Sustainable Development

Studien zur Umweltpolitik

Foundations have become an important player for finding solutions for societal challenges. Besides other issues, environmental activities belong to the main topics of foundations. However, there is a lack of research on the contribution of environmental foundation for an ecofriendly and sustainable development. This scientific desideratum occurs especially in Germany where no comprehensive database on foundations exists, and only estimations about their environmental…

BürgerstittungenDeutschlandEcofriendlyFoundationsNachhaltige EntwicklungNaturschutzPolitikwissenschaftSoziologieStiftungenSustainable developmentUmweltpolitikUmweltschutzUmweltsoziologieUSAZivilgesellschaft
Lutherans in the Poznan province (Habilitationsschrift)Zum Shop

Lutherans in the Poznan province

Biological dynamics of the Lutheran population in the 19th and early 20th centuries

HERODOT – Wissenschaftliche Schriften zur Ethnologie und Anthropologie

In contrast to the Lutheran communities of Western Europe, those settling in the Poznan province were culturally very diverse in terms of roots, traditions, customs, habits, lifestyles, and wealth. In Germany they were members of different local churches. On coming to the Poznan province, they brought with them religious practices characteristic of the various German states and regions. Moreover, their cultural heterogeneity and the proximity of Catholics could facilitate…

AnthropologyDemographyFertilityGene PoolHabilitationHistorical PolandMarriage PatternsMortalityProtestantismPrussian Sector
Quadratic Variation of Financial Asset Prices (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Quadratic Variation of Financial Asset Prices

Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Evidence on Power Derivatives

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

Financial asset prices differ not only in their level and trajectory, but also in their magnitude and type of variability within trading periods. As financial agents require quantifying the price variability of a financial asset over a certain period of time in many risk- and valuation-related applications, it is crucial to reflect appropriate concepts which provide an accurate picture of the variability exposure. The scientific elaboration of an adequate concept in light…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreEconometricsElectricity Forward ContractEnergy FinanceHigh Frequency DataInfrequent TrackingNord Pool Energy ExchangePrice JumpsRealized VarianceRobust EstimationStatisticsTracking ActivityUrgent Market Message