Wissenschaftliche Literatur Sponsored Search
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Nadia Abou Nabout
Optimal Search Engine Marketing
Electronic Commerce, Marketing & Finance
This book focuses on search engine marketing (also called paid or sponsoredsearch), which has grown into a multibillion-dollar business that attracts $1 of every $2 spent on online marketing.
The author’s aim is to provide advertisers with recommendations on how to optimize their company’s search engine marketing. Because of the complex generalized, second-price auction mechanism that Google and other search engine providers employ, many factors beyond the bid…
BetriebswirtschaftslehreE-CommerceInternet MarketingMarketingOnline-WerbungPaid SearchSearch Engine MarketingSponsored SearchSuchmaschinenmarketingWirtschaftsinformatikWirtschaftswissenschaft
Chang Kaiser
Suchmaschinenwerbung: Sponsored Links als Geschäftsmodell der Suchwerkzeuge
Mit einer Fallstudie über chinesische Suchdienste
INTERNET – Praxis und Zukunftsanwendungen des Internets
Suchmaschinen sind als profitorientierte Web-Information-Retrieval Unternehmen ein wichtiger Wirtschaftsfaktor geworden. Die Refinanzierung erfolgt hauptsächlich durch Werbeeinnahmen. Die Studie befasst sich schwerpunktmäßig mit dem Werbesystemen von Suchmaschinen, das auch als Paid Search bezeichnet wird.
Das Paid-Search-System zeichnet sich einerseits durch die Betonung auf die Relevanz der Werbeinformationen und gleichzeitig den maximalen Gewinn der…
Chinesische SuchmaschinenClick FraudInformatikInformationswissenschaftInternetInternet-SuchmaschinenKlickbetrugMedienwissenschaftOnlineOnline-MarketingOnline-WerbungPaid PlacementsPaid SearchPay-Per-Click-WerbungRankingSponsored LinksSponsored SearchSponsored Search in ChinaSuchmaschinen-MarketingSuchmaschinen in ChinaSuchmaschinenwerbungWeb
Thomas Görtz
Keyword Advertising and Dynamic Pricing
An Integrated Model and its Application to an Online Market Place
QM – Quantitative Methoden in Forschung und Praxis
The emergence of Keyword Advertising as a special form of personalized online advertisement has played an indispensable role in the success of web search engines. The costs for Keyword Advertising are determined by a generalized auction that is conducted for every single search query entered in by a user. So far, current Keyword Advertising models rely on a calculation of revenue that assumes the value per keyword is fixed. This approach, however, does not take into…
Dynamic PricingDynamic ProgrammingKeyword AdvertisingMarketingOnline-WerbungOnline Market PlaceRevenue ManagementSearch Engine MarketingSponsored SearchStochastic SimulationWirtschaftsinformatik
Tanja Stepanchuk
Optimal Pricing Strategies
How Nonlinear Programming Enables Optimal Pricing in Digital Environment
MERKUR – Schriften zum Innovativen Marketing-Management
The determination of optimal pricing strategies in the ever-changing digital environment becomes more essential and more challenging with increasing popularity of the Internet and its ability to monitor consumers‘ preferences by tracking their click, purchase and finally their usage behavior. This book examines various novel pricing strategies for advertisers in Search Engine Marketing (SEM) as well as for companies who sell digital goods, frequently offering a menu of…
Agency CompensationBetriebswirtschaftslehreE-CommerceInteraktive PreismechanismenKeyword AuctionsNonlinear PricingOnline-MarketingOnline AdvertisingPerformance-based CompensationPreisfindungPreisstrategieSearch Engine MarketingSponsored SearchSuchmaschinenmarketingTwo-Part-Tariff