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Mariana Mrázová / Fabian Renger / Attila Czirfusz (eds.)
Global Health Challenges I.
Schriftenreihe Gesundheitswissenschaften
The title of this book has two main focal points: Global Health and Challenges.
Global Health is a relatively new term in Public Health. It requires the healthiness of individuals of whole the world. The paradox in this perspective is, that the pandemic „Covid-19“ is showing us just this item, not only a risk for health of certain regions or for certain risk groups, but for everyone of us – no matter where a person is – on whole the world. A pandemic is global and healthiness therefore, too. The result of this are challenges which only can be solved in a…
AntibiotikaAntimicrobial resilienceAntimicrobial stewardshipAntimikrobielle ResistenzCancer-related factorsCorona-PandemieCOVID-19Gestational weightGesundheitspräventionGewichtszunahme während der SchwangerschaftHandhygieneHand hygieneKrebsbedingte FaktorenMedical care centreMedical economicsMedical treatmentMedizinisches VersorgungszentrumMedizinökonomieÖffentliche GesundheitPräventionsmedizinPräventive MedizinPreventive medicinePublic Health
Robert Celec (Ed.)
Education and the Challenges of Modern Society
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The monograph Education and the Challenges of Modern Society brings together the authors’ reflections on topical issues in various fields. In most cases, the authors support the theoretical premises with empirical research.
In the first chapter, Slavoljub Hilčenko, Vojislav Ilić and Sanja Filipović focus on the role of ICT in the process of education, especially in art education.
The second chapter, written by Nataša Ivanić, Sanja Nikolić and Slavoljub Hilčenko, reports the findings of a study that examined the effectiveness of project-based…
AddictionEducationEpidemiological characteristicsEpidemiologische MerkmaleErziehungswissenschaftenGesundheitswissenschaftenHealth careLehrenMedical treatmentMedizinische BehandlungModerne GesellschaftModern societySuchtTeachingTherapieTherapyHäufige Schlagworte im Fachgebiet