Wissenschaftliche Literatur Evangelisation
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Solomon Okezie Obasi
Evangelisation and Modernity
Cultural Issues as Missiological Imperative in „Ecclesia in Africa“
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
This study brings to the fore that modernity offers enough (if not more than enough) materials for missiological consumption for the church in Africa. It stresses that the challenges of evangelisation in Africa in the Third Millennium, as Ecclesia in Africa specifies in its caption, can never be the same as the evangelisation of the 15th or the 19th century. The reason is that African traditional societies, which shape the way African people think and live (and which early missionaries met), cannot but share the stage with modernity: with its new technological…
Christliche KircheChurch in AfricaEcclesia in AfricaEvangelisationEvangelisation in AfricaGlobalisierungInkulturationMissionModern CultureModerneModernitySoziale GerechtigkeitTheologie
Godfrey Chukwunyere Oleri
The Dynamic Character of the Mass Media in the Evangelising Mission of the Church in Africa
With Particular Reference to the Nigerian Church
THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse
Godfrey Chukwunyere Oleri, a native of Umufor Amaimo in Ikeduru Local Government of Imo State was born on 30th Nov. 1958 in Enugu. He Studied philosophy at Bigard Memorial Seminary Ikot Ekpene/Nigeria (1980 –1984) and Theology at Bigard Memoral Seminary Enugu/Nigeria (1985-19899 before his ordination on 12th August 1989 for the catholic diocese of Enugu/Nigeria. He got his Licentiate in Theology in Trier University/Germany in 2004 and Doctorate in the same University in 2007. Godfrey Chukwunyere Oleri was the first parish priest of Egede/Nigeria, Director of the Enugu…
AfricaAfrikaCatholic churchEvangelisationFreedom of the PressGlobalisationGlobalisierungInculturationKatholische KircheMassenmedienMass MediaPoliticsPolitikPressefreiheitTheologieTheologyHäufige Schlagworte im Fachgebiet Theologie & Religionswissenschaft