Wissenschaftliche Literatur Culture
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Lily Rose Tope / Wolfgang Zach (eds.)
Collisions of Cultures
Frictions and Re-Shapings
Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik
This is a collection of thirty-nine articles that explore transcultural collisions that have occurred in the course of history and movement of human communities.
It uses the disciplines of literature, history and cultural studies to examine new thematic parameters and methodological approaches that address violent and subtle cultural confrontations between communities, re-shape identities, reconceive gender, define home, track cultural mobilities, explore…
AfrikaAustralienBeyond HumanBrasilienCollisions of CulturesCultural CollisionsCultural mobilitesCultural StudiesFidschiGenderGeschichtswissenschaftHistoryIdentitätIndienIndonesienIrlandJapanKanadaKulturelle KollisionenKulturwissenschaftLiteratureLiteraturwissenschaftMigrationMobilitätNeuseelandPhilippinenPostcolonialRe-shaping identitiesSingapurUkraineUSAVereinigte Arabische Emirate
Klaudiusz Bobowski
Culture and History of Great Britain
Seen through a Selection of Breakthrough Achievements Vol. I
Geschichtswissenschaftliche Studien
Encyclopaedias have been written on the subject of the history and culture of Great Britain. However, the author of this work needed a different approach while ‘selling’ this knowledge to students. Without too many dates, with not too many wars and bloodshed, but rather focusing on ides not normally taught during courses.
Let us experience the hardships of everyday life enhanced with the inventions of ingenious human brain. Let us experience the fear of the…
Britische GeschichteBritische KulturBritish CultureBritish HistoryGeschichteGroßbritannienKulturwissenschaft
Laura Angélica Casola
Legal Culture on Human Trafficking in Mercosur
Between the Local and the Global
An Analysis from 2000 to 2016
Schriften zum ausländischen Recht
Mercosur has become a key region for human trafficking. This illegal trade interconnects the four countries by means of a complex criminal matrix and requires concerted governmental strategies in order to counter this phenomenon. However, Mercosur member states had established different regulations, thereby keeping the region from developing a joint strategy. This was to change in 2001 when the bloc emerged as a transnational actor in order to promote cooperation and…
Global StudiesHuman TraffickingLegal CultureMenschenhandelPolitikwissenschaftRechtskulturRechtswissenschaftRegional Integration
Sijing Zhou
English in Chinese Popular Culture
Discourses of TV Commercials, Popular Music and Entertainment TV Shows
PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse
In the past few decades, a number of studies have addressed various aspects of English in China. Although few studies to date have investigated English in Chinese pop culture, the influence from Western culture and the English language on Chinese culture cannot be ignored. Thus, focusing on English in Chinese pop culture is an appropriate and significant topic.
First, surveying the history of English development in China and exploring the current roles and…
ChineseChinesischCode-SwitchingCommercialsCommunicationDiscourseDiskursEnglischEnglishEntertainmentLinguisticsLinguistikMediaMedia StudiesMedienMusicMusikPopulärkulturPopular CultureTV ShowsWerbung
Hui Ji
The Impact of Culture on Preferences for E-learning Systems in Higher Education
A Comparison between China and Germany
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
As an international student in Germany, the author is part of a large community: more students than ever decide to study abroad. However, learning orientation and cultural adaptation issues are unavoidably associated with study abroad. An important option to address the problems is e-learning.
The present study verifies the German and Chinese students? cultural standards, teaching/learning cultures, and preferences for e-learning systems documented in the…
BetriebswirtschaftslehreCausal relations between cultural standards and preferencesChinaComparison of German and Chinese cultural standardsComparison of German and Chinese teaching / learning culturesCultural standardsE-LearningE-learning systems in higher educationFocus groupsGermanyLearning cultureQuestionnaire surveyStructural equation modelingStrukturgleichungsmodellStudent‘s preferences for e-learning systemsTeaching culture
Christogonus Onyekachi Keke
The Misery of Childless Marriage in Igbo Culture
Re-Consideration of Ecclesiastical Ethical Response to Cultural and Biomedical “Remedies”
Infertility is a universal problem but the crisis it poses for Christian couples in the African cultural context differs from the experience in Western cultures. The root of the problem is the conflict in the understanding of marriage in African culture and the Christian marriage ethics, which makes it difficult for one to remain truly African and happily Christian in the faces of childless marriage. This work demonstrates this using the life context of the Igbo people of…
African CultureAfrikanische KulturArtificial ReproductionBio-MedicineChildlessness (Marriage)Christian EthicsChristian MarriageChristliche EheChristliche EthikEthikIgboIgbo MarriageInfertilityIVFKinderlosigkeitKünstliche BefruchtungMoraltheologieMoral TheologyOsu Caste System
Jana Kucharová (Hrsg.)
Mehrsprachigkeit – Begegnung von Sprachen und Kulturen / Multilingualism – The Convergence of Languages and Cultures
LINGUA – Fremdsprachenunterricht in Forschung und Praxis
Mehrsprachigkeit ist ein immer aktuelles Thema, das aus verschiedenen Perspektiven erforscht werden kann. Heutzutage ist es selbstverständlich, dass man mehrere Fremdsprachen lernt und dann auch in alltäglichen Kommunikationssituationen verwendet. Einer der möglichen Gründe dafür ist, dass die heutige Gesellschaft immer mehr multikulturell wird, was bedeutet, dass verschiedene fremde Sprachen und dadurch auch fremde Kulturen aufeinandertreffen. [...]
DaF-UnterrichtDidaktikFremdsprachenFremdsprachenunterrichtInterkulturelle KommunikationKonvergenz der SprachenKulturMehrsprachigkeit
Robert Celec (Ed.)
Modern Society’s Diverse Challenges
EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung
The scientific monograph covers some of the most interesting research areas of the modern time.
Right at the beginning, we are confronted with discussion about the encouragement of mathematical thinking of preschool children through the nature photography prism.
Later on, we find out more about an interesting research of a possible impact of contemporary music on partner models, so that we could examine connections between these two important social…
BeziehungenBildungCreative IndustriesCultureEducationErziehungGenderGesundheitHealth CareInclusionInklusionKreativwirtschaftKulturModerne GesellschaftModern societyMusical identityMusikalische IdentitätPsychotherapiePsychotherapyRelations
Aleksandra Burgiel / Troy B. Wiwczaroski (eds.)
Global Leadership and Leadership Development
Betriebliche Personalentwicklung und Weiterbildung in Forschung und Praxis
This book has been developed as part of a broader project: ERASMUS+ KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education project No. 2017-1-HU01-KA203-035918, known as PROMINENCE (Promoting mindful encounters through intercultural competence and experience). Four partner universities were involved in the research and writing of this book: Debrecen University in Debrecen, Hungary, the coordinating partner; the University of Economics in Katowice,…
FührungGlobale DenkweiseInterkulturelle KommunikationInterkulturelles TrainingLeadershipLeadership DevelopmentManagementRhetorikSoft SkillsUnternehmensführung
Henry Mensah
Analysis of Stakeholders’ Collaborative Process on Irrigated Agriculture
Weija Irrigation Scheme of Ghana
Bearing in mind the recent emerging issues in irrigated agriculture, organisations and research institutions are recognising the need to address irrigation problems through their staff and interventions. Thus, the complexity of emerging irrigation issues calls for close collaboration among relevant stakeholders. The purpose of this research was to identify best management practices that can guide irrigation stakeholders on how to collaborate effectively not only to…
AgricultureBewässerungspolitikCollaborative outcomeCollaborative processDevelopment planningEngagementEntwicklungEnvironmental policyGhanaIrrigation policyIrrigation stakeholdersKollaborativer ProzessKollaboratives ErgebnisPerceptionPlanungPolitologieSupport ServiceTeilhaberUmweltpolitik