76 Bücher 

Wissenschaftliche Literatur Challenges

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Understanding and Managing Post-Acquisition Integration as Change Process (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Understanding and Managing Post-Acquisition Integration as Change Process

Schriften zur Arbeits-, Betriebs- und Organisationspsychologie

In today’s business landscape, corporate acquisitions continue to be an important instrument for achieving strategic objectives. However, studies have shown that 50-70% of acquisitions fail to generate the value expected.

In the integration process following acquisitions, the potential of a deal must be turned into actual value. The post-acquisition integration (PAI) process therefore is critical to the success of an acquisition. Consequently, acquisition…

BetriebswirtschaftslehreChange ManagementErfolgsfaktorenIntegrationsinstrumenteIntegrationsplanungIntegrationsprojektM&AMergers & AcquisitionsPMIPost Merger IntegrationPsychologiePsychologischer VertragStrategisches ManagementUnternehmensakquisitionenUnternehmensführung & OrganisationUnternehmenszusammenschlüsseVeränderungsprozess
Evangelisation and Modernity (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Evangelisation and Modernity

Cultural Issues as Missiological Imperative in „Ecclesia in Africa“

THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse

This study brings to the fore that modernity offers enough (if not more than enough) materials for missiological consumption for the church in Africa. It stresses that the challenges of evangelisation in Africa in the Third Millennium, as Ecclesia in Africa specifies in its caption, can never be the same as the evangelisation of the 15th or the 19th century. The reason is that African traditional societies, which shape the way African people think and live (and…

Christliche KircheChurch in AfricaEcclesia in AfricaEvangelisationEvangelisation in AfricaGlobalisierungInkulturationMissionModern CultureModerneModernitySoziale GerechtigkeitTheologie
Design of Organizational Controls for Managing Innovation (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Design of Organizational Controls for Managing Innovation

Implications for Firms in High-Velocity Environments

Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis

Managing innovation is crucial for firm success in high-velocity environments. Although the primary emphasis of R&D professional literature has been on formalizing development activities, this book defines a control concept for the fuzzy front-end of the innovation process, which is characterized by higher levels of ambiguity and uncertainty that in turn diminish administrative information, or firms‘ knowledge of cause-and-effect relationships and outputs. [...]

BetriebswirtschaftslehreFuzzy Front-EndHigh-Velocity EnvironmentInnovationInnovation ManagementInnovationscontrollingInnovationsmanagementInnovationsprozessOrganizational Controls
Investing in Renewable Energy Sources (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Investing in Renewable Energy Sources

An Assessment of Non-Technological Issues in Central and Eastern Europe

Wirtschaftspolitik in Forschung und Praxis

On May 1st 2004, the European Union has seen the most ambitious enlargement in its history in terms of expansion scale as well as political and economic challenges. With the accession process, the new Member States (NMS) assumed a double responsibility. On one hand, these countries will have to continue making efforts to catch up with Western Europe (EU-15) while, at the same time, taking on-board new responsibilities as fully fledged Members of the European Union. The…

EnergieversorgungErneuerbare EnergienGlobalisierungKlimawandelNachhaltigkeitOsteuropaProperty RightsSustainabilityVolkswirtschaftslehreWeltklimaWirtschaftspolitik
Preparation for the University Entrance Examination (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Preparation for the University Entrance Examination

Determinants of Effective Self-Regulation in Exam Preparation among Chinese High School Students

Schriften zur pädagogischen Psychologie

Each year thousands and millions Chinese senior high school students have to prepare for the university entrance examination (UEE) for their aspiration for higher education. This preparation learning lasts almost one year, with a great amount of learning content, difficult problems, complicated tasks, and fierce competition. During this period, they have to meet lots of challenges, such as, adjusting or maintaining their interest for learning, improving learning…

Chinese High School StudentsExam PreparationGender DiffenrenceGifted StudentsLearning StrategiesPädagogikSelf-EfficacySelf-regulated LearningTest AnxietyUEEUniversity Entrance Examination
The Cultural Industries in International Trade Law (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

The Cultural Industries in International Trade Law

Insights from the NAFTA, the WTO and the EU

Studien zum Völker- und Europarecht

The present book evaluates the present regulatory situation of various cultural goods and services, known as the cultural industries, under international trade law. Particularly, it looks at the experiences of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the European Union (EU) in order to critically evaluate the efficiency and legitimacy of the current multilateral trading regime established under the aegis of the World Trade Organization (WTO). [...]

DiversityEuropean UnionGATTNAFTARechtswissenschaftTRIPSUNESCOWorld Trade Organization