5 Bücher 

Wissenschaftliche Literatur Bankruptcy

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Case Study on Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Bankruptcy Proceeding and its European Affiliates (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Case Study on Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Bankruptcy Proceeding and its European Affiliates

Cross-Border Cooperation Solutions

Schriftenreihe zum internationalen Einheitsrecht und zur Rechtsvergleichung

The main idea of this research, which is based on the case study of the Lehman Brothers Holdings Incorporated bankruptcy proceeding, is an examination to which extent the bankruptcy legislation, considering its protective function was effective and „resistant“ in the context of the distressed economy and what steps were undertaken to improve this effectiveness. This issue is especially relevant while talking about the default of financial conglomerates, so called “too big…

Amerikanisches InsolvenzrechtBankruptcyChapter 11Cross-border Insolveny ProtocolInsolvencyInsolvenzInternationales InsolvenzrechtLehman BrothersReorganization Plan
Der „363 Sale“: Unternehmenskauf unter dem U.S. Bankruptcy Code (Doktorarbeit)Zum Shop

Der „363 Sale“: Unternehmenskauf unter dem U.S. Bankruptcy Code

Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zum deutschen und amerikanischen Insolvenzrecht

Insolvenzrecht in Forschung und Praxis

Lehman Brothers, Chrysler und General Motors – diese drei großen Namen sind heute untrennbar mit der weltweiten Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise der letzten Jahre verbunden. Es handelt sich zugleich um die wohl prominentesten Beispiele für ein Verfahren, das Hauptgegenstand dieser Untersuchung ist, der 363 Sale. Als die Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Im Jahre 2008 und Chrysler sowie General Motors (GM) im Jahre 2009 einen Antrag auf Gläubigerschutz nach Chapter 11 stellten,…

363 SaleBankruptcy CodeChapter 11Distressed M&AInsolvenzrechtRechtsvergleichRechtswissenschaftÜbertragende SanierungUnternehmenskaufUSA
Concepts, Functional Approaches, and Argumentation Analysis in the Field of the Transfer of Movables (Forschungsarbeit)Zum Shop

Concepts, Functional Approaches, and Argumentation Analysis in the Field of the Transfer of Movables

With a Focus on American and Scandinavian Law

Studien zur Rechtswissenschaft

This book has two perspectives, related to each other. The first perspective analyzes lawmaking on a European level. The overall question is whether the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) can stand as a functional model or example for Europe. In the recent European discussion on how rules for the transfer of movable property could be designed in an optimal way, it has been suggested by several proponents that a “functional? approach should be applied. It is considered to be…

Argumentation AnalysisBankruptcyConceptsFunctional ApproachInsolvencyMovablesOwnershipProperty LawRealismScandinavian LawTitleUS. Law
Valuation and Default Risk Assessment in Venture Capital Investments (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Valuation and Default Risk Assessment in Venture Capital Investments

The Impact of Biases in Management Forecasts and the Relevance of Selected Financial and Non-Financial Information from Due Diligence Documents


This book examines the impact of selected due diligence information on the valuation of venture-backed start-ups and the assessment of default risks. By investigating the characteristics and consequences of biases in multi-year management forecasts, this thesis also sheds light on the role of optimism and confidence in entrepreneurial environments. In addition, this study presents cross-sectional models that allow investors to identify potential biases in management…

Bankruptcy PredictionCross-Sectional Projection ModelsDefault Risk AssessmentEntrepreneuershipFinancial AccountingManagement Forecast BiasesOptimismOverconfidencePre-Money ValuesStartupsValuationVenture Capital
Financial Engineering and Structuring in Leveraged Buyouts (Dissertation)Zum Shop

Financial Engineering and Structuring in Leveraged Buyouts


In a Leveraged Buyout, a Private Equity investor finances the purchase price of a company to a substantial fraction with debt in addition to the equity contribution out of his fund and from the participating management. The rationale for this financing structure is the substitution of equity, as an expensive source of capital, with comparably cheap debt in order to increase the expected returns on the individual equity investment and, thus, the returns of the whole fund.…

Financial EngineeringFremdkapitalfinanzierungFusionHeuschreckenInstitutionelle InvestorenInvestorenKapitalismusLeveraged BuyoutsM&AMergers & AcquisitionsPrivate EquityÜbernahmeValue Creation