: Values, coping and mental health

Values, coping and mental health

A cross-cultural study of Chinese and Swiss

Studienreihe psychologische Forschungsergebnisse, Band 26

Hamburg , 236 Seiten

ISBN 978-3-86064-732-5 (Print)

Zum Inhalt

  • What are the dominant values of the Chinese and the Swiss?
  • What are the preferred stress coping styles for Chinese and Swiss people?
  • What role do values play in the stress and coping process, which is defined by the Fribourg research group as „stress emerging, situation appraising, coping goal setting, coping action selecting and effectiveness evaluating“?
  • What is the relationship between self perceived mental health and coping behaviour in relation to eastern and western cultural backgrounds?

This book aims to answer all these questions and to identify the cross-cultural differences in value-mediated stress appraisals and coping strategies between Chinese and Swiss populations.

The author believes that in different cultures the criteria of mental health are divergent, which in turn effects what is the adequate coping behaviour within this cultural context. The relationship between mental health and coping is therefore mediated by cultural expectations or social demands.

Throughout the book many interesting and suggestive findings are presented and analyzed.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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