Felix TröltzschKofi Annan im Syrienkonflikt
Analyse der Mediationsmission des früheren UN-Generalsekretärs
Schriften zur internationalen Politik, volume 58
Hamburg 2018, 130 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-9950-5 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-09950-1 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
Since its beginning in 2011, the conflict in Syria has become one of the most devastating domestic crises of recent decades. After the failed mediation initiatives of Turkey and the Arab League, also Kofi Annan failed as a Special Representative in Syria. In his mission from 23 February 2012 to 2 August 2012, the former UN Secretary-General and highly experienced mediator sought to resolve the conflict with the help of regional and international actors and to stimulate political dialogue in Syria. After a few initial successes, however, it quickly became clear that for Annan, due to a lack of national and international consensus, it would hardly be possible to pacify the conflicting parties and to initiate a national dialogue.
In his book, Felix Tröltzsch evaluates the mediation mission of the former UN Secretary-General. To this end, the theories of International Relations and Peace and Conflict Studies, as well as key assessments of practitioners of international diplomacy, were pooled to generate one of the most comprehensive mediation analyzes of Kofi Annan's mission. "Kofi Annan im Syrienkonflikt" therefore makes an important contribution to the scientific understanding of the civil war and the mediation efforts of the United Nations in Syria. Thus, the work enters a largely open gap in Peace and Conflict Studies research.
Ban Ki-moonBaschar al-AssadBürgerkriegFriedens- und KonfliktforschungInternationale DiplomatieJacob BercovitchKofi AnnanLakhdar BrahimiMediationMediationsmissionMittlerer OstenPeace and SecurityPolitikwissenschaftSicherheitsrat der Vereinten NationenSyrienSyrienkonfliktUNUN-GeneralsekretärUN-SicherheitsratUNOVereinte NationenVermittlungIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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