Forschungsarbeit: Die Große Gesetzesinschrift von Gortyn

Die Große Gesetzesinschrift von Gortyn

Ein Spiegel der kretischen Gesellschaft in archaischer und klassischer Zeit

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Studien zur Geschichtsforschung des Altertums, volume 35

Hamburg , 124 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-9538-5 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-09538-1 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

The Great Code of Gortyn - A mirror of Cretan society in the Archaic and Classical Period

Based on the Great Code of Gortyn, other codes from the 5th century BC, and other literary sources, this book describes both the society and private lives of the Cretan people in the Archaic and Classical period.

After a short introduction, the first chapter gives an overview about the archaeological excavations and the visible remains of the ancient city of Gortyn. The second chapter consists of a synopsis of the original Greek text of the Great Code, and a German translation of the Great Code.

Chapter three is dedicated to the Dorians and the Doric society in Creta. Based on literary sources, (Aristoteles, Ephoros, Dosiadas etc), and based on the Code (to the extent it has been preserved), chapter three describes the daily lives of the people (the role of the family, children, Ephebes, hetaeras, syssitias, etc.), the constitution and administration of the polis, and the challenges and struggle for power of the local aristocracy.

Chapter 4 provides a legal commentary of the Great Code, grouped into procedural, penal and civil law. It closes with a short summary from the perspective of philosophy of laws.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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