Michael KohlgrüberNachhaltige Geschäftsmodellinnovationen
Entstehung und Verbreitung in der Handelslogistik
Nachhaltigkeits-Management – Studien zur nachhaltigen Unternehmensführung, volume 31
Hamburg 2017, 430 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-9417-3 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-09417-9 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
Sustainable business models integrate the economic, ecological and social dimension of sustainability in the core business of companies. They generate benefit for business and society.
Up to now, science and practice is lacking relevant insights into how sustainable business model innovations emerge and diffuse among companies. Based on an institutional theory approach and on empirical research, this book gives some answers to the following questions: What is it that makes companies develop and implement sustainable business model elements? How do they realize this in practice?
Thereby, this book adds some insights into current management approaches showing what a sustainable business model looks like und how it is to be developed. The book supplements experiences of managers dealing with this topic at their working places.
The findings of current research show that practical experiences with sustainable business model innovations depend on the type of company: “emerging davids“ developing and implementing these innovations in another way than “greening goliaths”. Research has to distinguish between family-run companies and public companies. Furthermore, additional short case studies disclose the role of associations, networks and initiatives that act as diffusion agents for sustainable business model innovations.
Regarding the sample studied, retail logistics appear as a very interesting area of investigation, due to its economic meaning, its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and the challenge to make sustainable business models compatible to increasing transport in retail logistics.
DiffusionEmerging DavidsFamilienunternehmenGeschäftsmodellinnovationGreening GoliathsHandelslogistikInstitutionalisierungNachhaltigkeitNeoinstitutionalismusSozialwissenschaftVersandhandelWeberranische InstitutionentheorieIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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