Christoph Behrens (Ed.)Diversity Concepts – Diversity Politics
- in englischer Sprache -
POLITICA – Schriftenreihe zur politischen Wissenschaft, Band 105
Hamburg 2016, 176 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-8300-8911-7 (Print)
ISBN 978-3-339-08911-3 (eBook)
[…] Der Band zeigt, dass die sozialwissenschaftliche Kernfrage nach Aus‑ und Einschlussmechanismen für die Analyse gesellschaftlicher Entwicklung von zentraler Bedeutung ist – selbst wenn sie für so unterschiedliche Staaten wie Deutschland und Indonesien gestellt wird.
Zum Inhalt
The outgoing 20th century has seen increasing awareness about issues of Diversity and a reflection of its abuse for political interests. This became possible after humankind had faced the experience of losing humanity. On the other hand the establishment of new forms of exclusion was fostered. In the new exclusions, the efficacy of an imagined eternal fight and its intrinsic principle of creating differences with political impact become visible. Differences still matter, just other differences. Diversity remains to be a political issue – with changing aspects of Otherness who are labeled as politically relevant or not. It seems sound to predict that ability not only to manage Diversity, but to take advantage of it, and to assume leadership in Diversity Politics in order to initiate processes that open new space for all, will be the important issue for development of humankind, if the goal remains a prosperous and just society.
CapitalismConflict ResolutionDemocracyDiversityGenderGlobal GovernanceIdentityInternational RelationsMediaMigrationPoliticsReligionSocial ChangeIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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