Doktorarbeit: Psychomotorische Analyse von Maus- und Tastatursignalen zur Detektion von Müdigkeit im Kontext maschinellen Lernens

Psychomotorische Analyse von Maus- und Tastatursignalen zur Detektion von Müdigkeit im Kontext maschinellen Lernens

Ein signalverarbeitungsbasierter Brute-Force Merkmalsextrationsansatz zur Untersuchung zentraler Eingabemodalitäten der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Schriften zur Arbeits-, Betriebs- und Organisationspsychologie, volume 76

Hamburg , 370 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-8539-3 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-08539-9 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

Show me how you work and I'll tell you how sleepy you are!

A central question of industrial and organizational psychology deals with the challenge of how safety, quality and working comfort can be ensured within a working organization. Individuals are subject to a wide variety of factors that may have an impact on their personal state. Employees regularly interact with machines such as computers, smartphones or processor-controlled machinery. In this case, users act in a movement pattern that opens up a wide range of expressive possibilities, e.g. to give conclusions about emotions and feelings, drowsiness or even the monotony states.

The author describes critically within the scope of a study the advantages and disadvantages of user state detection by presenting a range of potential application, such as in accident management systems (e.g. interruption of operations, pause recommendations) in the system adaptation to the user state (e.g. change of “look & feel” or speed while operating) and in security field (identification of users and tasks by analyzing system parameters). Main target is to improve the working situation in the way of gaining safety, increase in quality and comfort.

The content of the book deals next to the challenges of organizational psychology with its connection to the systemic pattern recognition and signal processing perspective.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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