Dissertation: Der Sonderinsolvenzverwalter – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Haftung des Insolvenzverwalters wegen Verletzung seiner insolvenzspezifischen Pflichten, die zu einem Gesamtschaden führen

Der Sonderinsolvenzverwalter – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Haftung des Insolvenzverwalters wegen Verletzung seiner insolvenzspezifischen Pflichten, die zu einem Gesamtschaden führen

Insolvenzrecht in Forschung und Praxis, volume 88

Hamburg , 348 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-8146-3 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-08146-9 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

This book – by taking into account comprehensive literature and case law – deals with all problems in connection with the legal figure of the special insolvency administrator.

In a first step the special insolvency administrator is systemically classified and compared to the regular insolvency administrator. The author reveals the reasons for the legitimacy of the special insolvency administrator’s appointment. He explains why its appointment is not only useful but necessary in practice. This is followed by a comprehensive overview of the case groups with respect to a special insolvency administrator’s appointment. One key aspect of the book is the insolvency administrator’s liability, in particular the breach of insolvency-specific duties which result in a total damage.

The main part of the book is followed by further important analysis with respect to appointment requirements, formal requirements, main tasks, legal remedies in special insolvency administration law, rights and duties, dismissal requirements, ending of special insolvency administration, compensation, supervision, cost allocation as well as comparable national and international legal figures

Despite their complexity the different subject areas are presented in a coherent and comprehensible manner. At the same time the author offers solutions in step with practice and provides practical guidance. Based on the assumption that the special insolvency administrator is urgently needed in practice the author asks for a statutory provision. Therefore, there is a legislative proposal at the end of the thesis covering the appointment, rights and duties, legal status, legal protection, compensation and the dismissal of the special insolvency administrator.

The book provides practicioners and students a unique opportunity to deal profoundly with the different areas of the complex issue “The special insolvency administrator”.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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