Dissertation: „Verraten und betrogen von denen da oben“ – eine kontrastive Diskursanalyse populistischer Rhetorik in der Politik

„Verraten und betrogen von denen da oben“ – eine kontrastive Diskursanalyse populistischer Rhetorik in der Politik

Am Beispiel der Freiheitlichen Partei Österreichs FPÖ (2008) und der Demokratischen Partei Albaniens PD (2005)

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse, volume 194

Hamburg , 354 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-7551-6 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-07551-2 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

Populism is a phenomenon that has now spread almost everywhere on the old and new democracies of Europe. Based on an empirical contrastive analysis, this book aims at integrating the political discourse in Albania into the context of European populism and at comparing the populist agitation in Albania with that of a Western country. As a comparative example, the exceedingly successful form of populism in Austria has been chosen.

The aim is to examine what similarities and differences arise in the populist rhetoric in the two countries in terms of the linguistic structure, the rhetorical and argumentative instruments used and the general communication techniques.

Within the framework of Critical Discourse Analysis, a text corpus of two distinctive political parties in Albania and Austria is analyzed using a qualitative content analysis. Based on the assumptions of populism research, the general discourse strategies of self- and other-presentation will be brought into focus.

Qualitative aspects such as the identification of the manifested linguistic means, the metaphoric, argumentative and discursive strategies at the micro- and macro-level for the construction of the enemy image or for the purpose of positive self-presentation and justification of one's own positions are the main focus of this research.

In addition to linguistic insights with regard to populist rhetoric, through ist interdisciplinary, contrastive approach this work also considers itself to be a contribution to international research on populism, in which Albanian populism has so far been largely ignored.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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