Festschrift: Recht von innen: Rechtspluralismus in Afrika und anderswo Justice from within: Legal pluralism in Africa and beyond

Recht von innen: Rechtspluralismus in Afrika und anderswo
Justice from within: Legal pluralism in Africa and beyond

Festschrift Manfred O. Hinz anlässlich seines 75. Geburtstages /
Liber amicorum Manfred O. Hinz in celebration of his 75th birthday

Studien zur Rechtswissenschaft, volume 271

Hamburg , 646 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-5872-4 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-05872-0 (eBook)


Manfred O. Hinz [hat] einen gewaltigen Beitrag für die Unabhängigkeit Namibias geleistet. Zu Recht hat eine Gruppe von Freund/inn/en und Kolleg/inn/en seinen 75. Geburtstag zum Anlaß genommen, ihm eine Festschrift zu widmen. Der Band […] widmet sich der kolonialen Vergangenheit und Befreiung Afrikas, der rechtlichen und politischen Anthropologie sowie der neuen Rechtsarchitektur im modernen Afrika - ein breiter Themenkatalog, der die weitgespannten Interessen und Aktivitäten des Jubilars widerspiegelt.
INDABA, 72/12 (2012)
[…] This liber amicorum is a comprehensive composition of very thoughtful, scientific and practical valuable articles from different disciplines by authors from various backgrounds and, hence, perspectives. It makes a significant contribution to the discussion on legal pluralism and its theoretical and practical impacts as well as underlying concepts. Many of the essays relate to Manfred Hinz‘s scientific findings and his way of thinking. Moreover the interdisciplinary approach of many authors gives consideration to the fact that legal pluralism and related topics cannot be analyzed purely from a legal viewpoint but have to be understood from more than one perspective including, for example, the sociological, cultural or anthropological perspective.
Anne Schmidt in: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee, 1/2012

About this book deutschenglish

This Liber Amicorum dedicates itself to the colonial past and liberalisation of Africa, a legal and political anthropology, a new legal architecture in modern Africa, and miscellaneous themes. It intends, by alerting to the law from within societies, to deepen the understanding of the world-wide observable phenomenon of legal pluralism.

The question addressed by many contributions deals with the “law from within”, the law which is developed from society and the correlation it enfolds towards other internal and external public and international law with which at times it builds up legal tensions. This is a question, which characterises much of the practical and scientific work of Prof. Dr. Manfred O. Hinz.

The volume consists of more than 30 contributions from academics of different European and African Universities, politicians and practitioners The themes cover apart from Legal Pluralism, Public International Law, Human Rights, African Law and Comparative Law also Legal History, Jurisprudence, Political Science and Legal Anthropology.

The Editors

Prof. Dr. Oliver C. Ruppel is Professor of Public Law with a specialisation in Environmental Law, Public International Law and World Trade Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa.

Prof. Dr. Gerd Winter is Professor of Public Law with a specialisation in Administrative Law, Environmental Law, Legal Sociology in the Department of Law of the University of Bremen in Germany.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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