Wörterbuchs: Multilingual Dictionary of the Headwords of the Academic Words List

Multilingual Dictionary of the Headwords of the Academic Words List

Russian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian and Polish

– in englischer Sprache –

TRANSLATOLOGIE – Studien zur Übersetzungswissenschaft, Band 33

Hamburg , 298 Seiten

ISBN 978-3-339-12184-4 (Print)

ISBN 978-3-339-12185-1 (eBook)

Zum Inhalt

We would like to present the first Multilingual Dictionary of the Headwords of the Academic Word List compiled specifically of Academic Word List (the AWL). It follows the publication of the AWL by Averil Coxhead in 2000. The Academic Word List replaces the University Word List.

The AWL is a list of 570 word families that are not in the most frequent 2,000 English words but which are frequent in a wide range of academic texts. The words are grouped into ten sublists that contain the most frequent forms of the word, more often a noun or verb form, although there may be one or more important related word forms. These words are not specifically connected with any particular scientific field and are therefore useful for students across disciplines. However, this high utility academic word list does not contain technical words likely to appear in some specialized fields of study, such as amortization or cartilage (Coxhead, 2000).

The dictionary includes translations of English academic words into Russian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian and Polish languages. We think that the dictionary will be interesting for linguists to comprise analysis and work at the AWL in their national languages. In addition, in this book you will find a section with some tips and useful phrases for academic and research paper writing.

That is why it will be a useful working tool for university teachers at the ESP lessons, BA and MA students, and Ph.D. students studying English as a second language struggling with the academic demands of the universities. It can also be helpful as a tool for establishing academic language competence development activities for staff preparing for international conferences, working in international publications, participating in international scientific projects and mobility programs.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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