Doktorarbeit: Chiffrierte Matrix: Körperlichkeit(en) in der bürgerlichen Frauenbewegung im Kontext zeitgenössischer körperdiskursiver Lehren 1880–1933

Chiffrierte Matrix: Körperlichkeit(en) in der bürgerlichen Frauenbewegung im Kontext zeitgenössischer körperdiskursiver Lehren 1880–1933

Gender Studies – Interdisziplinäre Schriftenreihe zur Geschlechterforschung, volume 34

Hamburg , 488 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-11920-9 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-11921-6 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

This dissertation analyses the discourses of body and gender in the bourgeois woman’s movement of the Kaiserreich and the Weimarer Republik. It focuses on the discursive context of the theories on the body within the human medicine, the life reform movement and the population policy of the time.

In accordance with the method of Historical Discourse Analysis, this study con-joins the analysis of the historical context with the analysis of statements, i.e. historic source material. The dissertation is also located in the Gender studies and the Critical Whiteness Studies.

The source-oriented part surveys the feminist topic areas of prostitution and abolitionism, birth rate, sexual moral, professional activity, colonialism as well as the reform of female physical movement and apparel, whereby the multiple ent-anglements of these aspects are considered. This analysis of historic statements and discourses follows a specific scheme from the articles of the bourgeois women’s movement. These are articles from six main publication organs of the bourgeois women’s movement; among them, little-researched journals with a particularly language-centered perspective are examined.

This study takes on the task to explore the systematics and dynamics of the female-driven confrontation with the body in the context of discursive doctrines about the body, putting emphasis on the relational and intersectional dimension of the issue, that is focuses on the entanglements of the categories gender, race and class.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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Hamburg , ISBN 978-3-339-12000-7 (Print) | ISBN 978-3-339-12001-4 (eBook)