Doktorarbeit: Das beamtenrechtliche Remonstrationsverfahren im Lichte des EU-Rechts

Das beamtenrechtliche Remonstrationsverfahren im Lichte des EU-Rechts

Zur Bedeutung des Remonstrationsverfahrens im Kontext des EU-rechtlichen Anwendungsvorrangs

Studien zum Verwaltungsrecht, volume 69

Hamburg , 250 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-11216-3 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-11217-0 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

The primacy of application is one of the most fundamental principles of EU-Law and concerns all institutions of the European member states. As a characteristic of the principle of effectiveness it requires the national administration to disapply national laws which conflict with EU-Law. In contrast to national courts, the national administration can’t fall back on the preliminary ruling procedure under EU-Law (Art. 267 AEUV). As a result, the non-application of national laws might lead to constraints regarding the principle of the separation of powers (Art. 20 Abs. 2 S. 2 German Constitution) and the legal certainty requirement (Art. 20 Abs. 3 German Constitution) under constitutional law. In consideration of the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice and related scientific essays, this study examines if the national administration is legally entitled to non-apply national laws conflicting with EU-Law. Subsequently, it shall be explored if there are certain mechanisms under German law, which are able to weaken the conflict between the primacy of application and the national rule of law. At the heart of these observations stands the question if the German civil service law can provide an instrument to resolve this conflict. In the final part of the paper it will be analyzed how a legal proceeding could be designed under German law that functions similarly to the preliminary ruling procedure under EU-Law.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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