Dissertation: Kognitive Leistungsfaktoren von Handballtorhütern

Kognitive Leistungsfaktoren von Handballtorhütern

Eine Analyse der Antizipationsfähigkeit im Experten-Novizen-Vergleich unter Verwendung unterschiedlicher methodischer Designs

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Schriften zur Sportwissenschaft, volume 149

Hamburg , 370 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-10690-2 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-10691-9 (eBook)


[...] Fazit: Alexander Schurr ist mit seiner Dissertation in eindrucksvoller Weise ein Beitrag gelungen, der die Diskussion um kognitive Leistungsfaktoren im Sportspiel nach vorne bringt.

Insbesondere die aufgezeigten Personenunterschiede zwischen Bundesligatorhütern und Torhütern der unteren Spielklassen zeigen deutlich, wo zukünftig Diagnose und Interventionen im Rahmen der Trainingssteuerung anzusetzen haben. Folglich scheint in diesem Thema auch ein großes Maß an Professionalisierungs- und Innovationspotenzial für Trainer und deren Ausbildung zu stecken.

Stefan König in: SportPraxis, 11+12/2019

About this book deutschenglish

Goalkeepers oftentimes determine the course of a handball match. Their performance is influenced by multifaceted performance factors which should be assessed during talent selection processes. Among these are physiological characteristics for which established diagnostical tools are available and regularly applied within sport practice. Additionally, psychological factors should not be neglected; these include, for example, players’ cognitive skills such as anticipation. Other than coaches’ subjective appraisal, however, little attention has been paid to evaluating anticipatory skills of handball goalkeepers. Hence, the development of a diagnostical tool which assesses anticipatory performances may be of benefit to sport research and practice. To this end, such an instrument must meet scientific quality standards as well as it has to be economical in the way it is implemented in applied settings.

Thus, this project aimed to develop and evaluate cognitive performance diagnostics assessing anticipatory skills of handball goalkeepers. Within the framework of sport expertise the anticipatory performance of goalkeepers of different playing levels was investigated using various experimental designs. This work was based upon an extensive review of the literature within the area. Consequently, the first part of this book covers the theoretical foundations of anticipation, a critical summary of the research on anticipatory skills in goalkeepers as well as an account on implementation intentions within expertise research.

The following empirical study is divided into three parts in each of which different methods were utilized to evaluate anticipatory skills in handball goalkeepers. Thus, a temporal occlusion paradigm was chosen to examine anticipation accuracy whereas a reaction time paradigm was used for estimating anticipatory performances. Lastly, an intervention study was conducted evaluating the effectiveness of implementation intentions in improving goalkeepers’ anticipatory skills.

Consistent with the postulated hypotheses, results indicate that expert goalkeepers outperform novices with regard to both, anticipatory accuracy and performance. Nevertheless, players of both performance levels benefitted equally from implementation intentions during the intervention study. In contrast to performance level, players‘ ex-perience did not seem to significantly influence anticipation.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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